Monday 16th September 2024
District secretaries please remember that items for the printed version of What's On are needed by the the 10th of the previous month to Please give a contact name and number for events other than practices.
Please send items for this web page to
Printer friendly version of September's What's On
Mancroft Ringing Discovery Centre What's OnSW District Practice.Great Thurlow (6)
All very welcome.
Contact: , 01787 277704
Surprise Major Practice.Framlingham
NW Suffolk Open Day.
More than 30 towers, including Westhorpe, open across the district.
Raising funds to overhaul the bells at Drinkstone.
Itinerary & details of cost etc.
Contact: , 07502 997110
60s Dinner and Dance.St Edmund's Hall, Hoxne
In aid of Hoxne Church Bells.
SE District Ringing.
Perfecting the Basics - Called changes to touches of Plain Bob Doubles and Minor
Badingham, St John the Baptist (5), 10.00 - 10.45hrs
Dennington, St Mary (6), 11.00 - 12.00hrs.
Both ground floor rings.
NE District Ringing Meeting.Mendham (6)
2 to 4pm
Ringing followed by refreshments (tea and cake).
Contact: , 07810 836303
NW District Annual Meeting.All Saints, Hopton (8)
3 - 8pm.
Afternoon Meeting & ADM with Bring & Share Tea.
Contact: , 01638 718801, 07887 964821
Belfry Advisory Committee meeting.Westhorpe.
Guild Management Committee.Stowupland Church Hall
Contact: , 07810 836303
SE District Kaleidoscope Practice.Henley (8)
19.00 - 21.00hrs
Kaleidoscope gets you thinking differently about your bell and your place in the row. If you can ring well struck rounds .... you are ready for Kaleidoscope!
To support everyone present, we introduce Kaleidoscope skills gradually during the session and increase what is on offer according to ability. Our aim is for you to leave feeling a sense of pride.
Please come along and give it a go!
We would love to see you!
If you could indicate whether you will be coming, that would be much appreciated.
thank you.
PS Remember there are some white lines to avoid parking on outside Henley church.
SW District Outing.
All very welcome to join an outing to towers in the Aldeburgh area.
Full details will be emailed to members once all the towers are confirmed.
Contact: , 01787 277704
SE District Ringing.Felixstowe (8)
2.30 - 4pm.
NE Annual District Meeting.Southwold (8)
Ringing, service, tea and meeting.
More details to follow.
Contact: , 07810 836303
NW District Quarter Peal Fortnight.
9th – 24th November.
Contact: , 07502 997110
NW District Practice.St Mary the Virgin, Redgrave (6)
10am - 12noon
Contact: , 07502 997110
St Edmund's Day.
Surprise Major Practice.TBC
SE District Kaleidoscope Practice.Henley (8)
19.00 - 21.00hrs
Kaleidoscope gets you thinking differently about your bell and your place in the row. If you can ring well struck rounds .... you are ready for Kaleidoscope!
To support everyone present, we introduce Kaleidoscope skills gradually during the session and increase what is on offer according to ability. Our aim is for you to leave feeling a sense of pride.
Please come along and give it a go!
We would love to see you!
If you could indicate whether you will be coming, that would be much appreciated.
thank you.
PS Remember there are some white lines to avoid parking on outside Henley church.
SE Annual District Meeting.
NW District Practice.St Margaret, Westhorpe (6)
10am - 12noon,
followed by Bring & Share lunch for Christmas.
Contact: , 07502 997110
George W Pipe 12 Bell Competition.Bishop's Stortford
FaceBook page
National 12-bell Striking Contest Qualifiers.
Liverpool St Nicholas
Guild AGM.SE District
VE Day.
80th Anniversary.
The Ridgman Trophy.Boston
National 12-bell Striking Contest Final.Bristol St Mary Redcliffe