Saturday 27th July 2024

What's On

District secretaries please remember that items for the printed version of What's On are needed by the the 10th of the previous month to Please give a contact name and number for events other than practices.

Please send items for this web page to



Printer friendly version of July's What's On

Mancroft Ringing Discovery Centre What's On

Friday 26th

Surprise Major Practice.Helmingham

Saturday 27th

SW District Practice.Bildeston (6)
7pm -8.30pm
All very welcome
Contact: , 01787 277704



Printer friendly version of August's What's On

Mancroft Ringing Discovery Centre What's On

Thursday 1st - Saturday 31st August

SW District Quarter Peal Month - 'Achieve in August'.
Achieve a 'first' of some kind - first quarter, first inside, first in a new method or on a higher number of bells. Please get in touch if you would like to take part. Help from experienced ringers and conductors appreciated.
Further details will be emailed to all SW District members.
Contact: , 01787 277704

Saturday 3rd

SE District Ringing.Ufford (8) & Wickham Market (6)
Ufford (8) 10.00 - 10.45hrs
Wickham Market (6) 11.00 - 12.00hrs
Refreshments available at Wickham Market.
Everyone welcome! A mix of ringing from rounds and call changes, Plain Hunt and methods according to ability, on both 8 and 6 bells.

Open Tower Day.St Edmund's, Southwold
11am - 4pm.
All welcome.
No charge.
Donations accepted.
Contact: , 01502 723781, 07908 394649

Saturday 10th

NE District Ringing, Picnic & Walk.
Ringing at two lovely rural towers with walk in between. Please bring your own ‘picnic’ if you wish.
Ringing Wissett 3 pm to 3.45 pm. Then walk up to Chediston, about 30 minutes, along a very quiet lane. Parking at Wissett although there is limited parking at Chediston.
Ringing Chediston 4 pm approx to 5 pm. Followed by tea/ coffee/ squash ( supplied) and your own picnic in the hall next door, or outside, weather permitting. There is a WC at the hall.
We will then have a very short quarterly meeting.
All are very welcome.
Contact: , 07810 836303

Friday 30th

SE District Kaleidoscope Practice.Henley (8)
19.00 - 21.00hrs
Kaleidoscope gets you thinking differently about your bell and your place in the row. If you can ring well struck rounds .... you are ready for Kaleidoscope!
To support everyone present, we introduce Kaleidoscope skills gradually during the session and increase what is on offer according to ability. Our aim is for you to leave feeling a sense of pride.
Please come along and give it a go!
We would love to see you!
If you could indicate whether you will be coming, that would be much appreciated.
thank you.
PS Remember there are some white lines to avoid parking on outside Henley church.



Mancroft Ringing Discovery Centre What's On

Friday 6th - Sunday 15th September

Heritage Open Days.

Saturday 7th

SE District QP Ringing.Shotley Peninsula
Harkstead, St Mary [6]
Holbrook, All Saints [6]
Stutton, St Peter [6]
Tattingstone, St Mary the Virgin [6]
QP's starting at 11.00 and 15.00hrs.
Pub lunch.
Please get in touch with Hal if there is a method you are planning to learn by September and would welcome the opportunity to ring in a QP.

Saturday 14th

NE District Mini-ring Practice.Halesworth church
Date now 14th September
The mini ring will be available during the week leading up to 14th September. Contact Philip for more details and to arrange to use it.
Contact: , 01986 875354

NW District Practice.St Andrew, Wickham Skeith (6)
10am - 12 noon.
Contact: , 07502 997110

Saturday 21st

SW District Outing.
Contact: , 01787 277704

Friday 27th

Surprise Major Practice.Framlingham

Saturday 28th

NW District Open Day.
Appx 30 towers to be open across the district.
Raising funds to overhaul the bells at Drinkstone.
Itinerary & details of cost etc.
Contact: , 07502 997110



Mancroft Ringing Discovery Centre What's On

Saturday 5th

SE District Ringing.


Saturday 12th

NE District Ringing Meeting.Mendham (6)
2 to 4pm
Ringing followed by refreshments (tea and cake).
Contact: , 07810 836303

NW District Annual Meeting.All Saints, Hopton (8)
3 - 8pm.
Afternoon Meeting & ADM with Bring & Share Tea.
Contact: , 01638 718801, 07887 964821

Sunday 20th

Guild Management Committee.Stowupland Church Hall
Contact: , 07810 836303

Friday 25th

SE District Kaleidoscope Practice.Henley (8)
19.00 - 21.00hrs
Kaleidoscope gets you thinking differently about your bell and your place in the row. If you can ring well struck rounds .... you are ready for Kaleidoscope!
To support everyone present, we introduce Kaleidoscope skills gradually during the session and increase what is on offer according to ability. Our aim is for you to leave feeling a sense of pride.
Please come along and give it a go!
We would love to see you!
If you could indicate whether you will be coming, that would be much appreciated.
thank you.
PS Remember there are some white lines to avoid parking on outside Henley church.



Mancroft Ringing Discovery Centre What's On

Saturday 2nd

SE District Ringing.Felixstowe (8)
2.30 - 4pm.

Saturday 9th

NE Annual District Meeting.Southwold (8)
Ringing, service, tea and meeting.
More details to follow.
Contact: , 07810 836303

NW District Quarter Peal Fortnight.
9th – 24th November.
Contact: , 07502 997110

Saturday 9th

NW District Practice.St Mary the Virgin, Redgrave (6)
10am - 12noon
Contact: , 07502 997110

Wednesday 20th

St Edmund's Day.

Friday 29th

Surprise Major Practice.TBC

SE District Kaleidoscope Practice.Henley (8)
19.00 - 21.00hrs
Kaleidoscope gets you thinking differently about your bell and your place in the row. If you can ring well struck rounds .... you are ready for Kaleidoscope!
To support everyone present, we introduce Kaleidoscope skills gradually during the session and increase what is on offer according to ability. Our aim is for you to leave feeling a sense of pride.
Please come along and give it a go!
We would love to see you!
If you could indicate whether you will be coming, that would be much appreciated.
thank you.
PS Remember there are some white lines to avoid parking on outside Henley church.



Mancroft Ringing Discovery Centre What's On

Saturday 7th

SE Annual District Meeting.

Saturday 14th

NW District Practice.St Margaret, Westhorpe (6)
10am - 12noon,
followed by Bring & Share lunch for Christmas.
Contact: , 07502 997110




Mancroft Ringing Discovery Centre What's On

Saturday 15th

George W Pipe 12 Bell Competition.Bishop's Stortford
FaceBook page



Mancroft Ringing Discovery Centre What's On

Saturday 22nd

National 12-bell Striking Contest Qualifiers.
Liverpool St Nicholas



Mancroft Ringing Discovery Centre What's On

Saturday 26th

Guild AGM.SE District



Mancroft Ringing Discovery Centre What's On

Thursday 8th

VE Day.
80th Anniversary.



Mancroft Ringing Discovery Centre What's On

Saturday 21st

The Ridgman Trophy.Boston

Saturday 28th

National 12-bell Striking Contest Final.Bristol St Mary Redcliffe