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St Mary-le-Tower

SE District

Picture of St Mary-le-Tower, Ipswich

13 bell 34-3-16 in D♭ Excellent going order
Practice Night: Monday, 7 - 9pm.
Sunday Service Ringing: 8.45 - 9.30am. 9.45-10.30am in July & August
Tower Correspondent: 07971 156786
Directions: Map Nearest towers
Peal Records
Video & sound recordings:
Video.First part of lowering all 12, half muffled, 18/3/2015
Video.Clip of peal of Stedman Cinques, 15/2/2014
    (5148 Stedman Cinques)
Video.Clip of half-muffled Grandsire Cinques, 11/11/2013
Video.Ipswich, St Margaret of Scotland, St Lawrence, St Mary-le-Tower. Sudbury, St Peter, 26/5/2012