Saturday 27th July 2024

SE District Quarter Peal Evening
Saturday 4th August 2012

Once again the SE District Quarter Peal evening took place on the first Saturday in August. As was the case in previous years three towers were booked for attempts and participating ringers distributed accordingly in the hope of having a complete band at each church. Thankfully all the ringers arrived at their allotted localities, allowing all the quarters to be attempted. Moreover, not only were all the quarters attempted but all the quarters were scored:

1260 PB Doubles, Bramford

1296 Surfleet S Minor, Earl Stonham

1264 PB Major, Offton

The evening continued with an enjoyable meal at the Sorrel Horse, which, fortunately, was served a lot quicker than last year.

Those who rang in the quarters only represent just over 6% of all the SE District ringing members listed in the 2011 Annual Report. I would very much like to have been in the predicament of having to arrange more towers- I don’t think it is unrealistic to be involving more than 6% of district members in district events.

My thanks go to Mike Whitby and Brian Whiting for calling the quarters at Earl Stonham and Bramford, to Peter Harper for arranging the towers, and to all the ringers who took part.

Tom Scase
SE District Ringing Master
