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Annual General Meeting
5th April 2008

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting, April 2007

Trustees' Annual report 2007

The collection taken during the service at SS Peter & Paul, Lavenham raised £101.47 for The Bell Restoration Fund.

The meeting was attended by 75 members of the Guild.

Subscriptions, fees and donations for 2009 were approved.

The Constitution and Rule changes below were approved by the meeting.

Proposed by the GMC:

A1 1.3 to read “The Trustees of the Guild shall be at least three members of the Guild Executive as defined in rule J 13, and shall be elected at the AGM.”
D8: to add “Webmaster” to list of members to be elected to Offices.

The title of The Mitson Shield and Rose Trophy Striking Competitions shall read:
“The Mitson Shield, Lester Brett Trophy and Rose Trophy Striking Competitions”
Rule 3 shall read :
“The Mitson Shield, Lester Brett and Rose Trophies shall be competed for as follows:”
(Rule 3.1 shall remain unaltered.)
Rule 3.2 shall read:
“a) For the Mitson Shield the test piece will be 240 true changes of any recognised Doubles or Minor Method(s) Opening rounds will not be marked.
or b) For the Lester Brett Trophy call changes of at least eight minutes marked ringing, to include Queens, Whittingtons and Tittums. “Marked” changes start when the first change is made.
(Rules 3.3 and 3.4 shall remain unaltered)

Proposed by MJ Rose (Chairman NW District) and seconded by PJ Gorrod (Chairman NE District):

C5 shall be amended by moving “Hartismere” from “1 North East” to “2 North West”.

Office Elected
Vice President Winston Girling
Chairman Philip Gorrod
Honorary Technical Advisor Winston Girling
Newsletter Editor Carol Girling
Webmaster Chris Garner
Trustees Philip Gorrod
  Mary Garner
  Keith Ashton Jones
  Winston Girling
All other officers were re-elected.

Alan Smith and Albert Driver were elected Life Honorary Members.

The 2009 AGM will be held in the NE District on Saturday 18th April 2009.