Saturday 25th January 2025

Trustees' Annual Report, 2010

The Trustees present their report and financial statements for the year ending 31 December 2010.


The Suffolk Guild of Ringers was registered with the Charity Commission on 10 December 1975, registration number 266869. The charity's registered address is 21 Old Ipswich Road, Claydon, Ipswich IP6 0AB. It is governed under a constitution originally registered in 1977 and most recently revised in 2010.

Principal Objectives

The purpose of the charity is to promote and encourage the practice of bellringing within the Diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich; to recruit, train and encourage bellringers in the practice of their art; and to cultivate the art of scientific change ringing, and to promote and advise on the preservation of bells in an efficient condition.


The Trustees during the period were:

Review of Progress and Achievements

Bellringing Activities. Throughout the year ringing has taken place for services in many of the (approximately) 200 towers with bells in the Diocese. Regular practices have been held in around 100 towers where training takes place for beginners and more experienced ringers. Each of the four Guild districts held monthly activities, both ringing and social. There were 135 peals rung for the Guild during 2010 in 57 Suffolk towers and 6 outside the county. Quarter peal ringing increased significantly once again to 594 quarter peals and this enables many ringers to improve their skills. Recruitment and Training strategies have been developed to maintain the improvement of skills in the Guild.

Restoration Activities. A new grant application was received from Bury St Edmunds (Norman Tower) and projects at Hopton, Dennington and Wissett were completed, with much progress at Campsea Ashe. These projects employing professional bellhangers also use local labour from the ringers and congregations to assist wherever possible. In addition to work carried out on many towers by members of the Belfry Advisory Committee, two very successful maintenance courses were run by them for Guild members.

Guild Finances

Policies. All money in the Guild’s funds not required for day-to-day working purposes is invested or deposited by the Treasurer, as directed by the Guild Management Committee. Grants from the Restoration Fund are authorised by the Guild Management Committee but are only paid after completed work has been approved by the Guild Ringing Master and the Technical Adviser. Grants are normally only offered for work to restore bells and their fittings for full-circle ringing, but may include augmentation and other ancillary work associated with any such project.

General Fund. General Fund income, at £4,791 (after transfers to Restoration and Library Funds) represents an 8% increase compared to 2009. Excluding the purchase of the mini-ring, which has distorted the figures, General Fund expenditure has slightly reduced from last year. The production of three issues of a full-colour printed magazine in place of the photocopied newsletter was the only significant increase in expenditure. The increase was partly offset by additional advertising and this could prove more fruitful in the future. The membership will be invited to decide at the AGM whether they wish to continue with this publication.

Restoration Fund. For the second year in succession, Restoration Fund income has been affected by low interest rates with interest income this year at just over £300. At 2008 rates it would have been over £3,500. Excluding interest received, and transfers from the General Fund, income at £4,630 showed a 7% increase over 2009. Grant approval during the year totalled £5,500 (nil in 2009). The sum now available for allocation to new projects stands at £35,625.

Payments of previously allocated grants, totalling £18,000, were made for three projects completed in the year. The amount reserved for grants allocated to a further three projects still in progress stands at £18,100.

Mini-Ring. During the year the new Guild Mini-Ring arrived and the old mini-ring was sold. The outstanding generous donation from the family of the late Edmund Vestey to fund the new mini-ring arrived too late to be included in the 2010 accounts, so in 2011 the General Fund will benefit from the remaining instalment.

Summary. The Guild finances remain in a reasonably healthy state, with the General Fund balance maintained from the previous year. The Restoration Fund again has a healthy balance available to contribute to projects that may arise in 2011.

P J Gorrod G E Slack A J Shedden
Trustee & Chairman Trustee & Treasurer Trustee & Secretary
March 2010 March 2010 March 2010
