Saturday 25th January 2025
The Suffolk Guild takes its safeguarding responsibilities seriously, believing that all bell-ringers should feel safe and valued in all aspects of bellringing.
Suffolk Guild of Ringers Safeguarding Requirements have been revised (December
2022) in the light of the latest guidance from the Diocese and CCCBR.
Open the link and see what training applies to you, in your current role - a Tower Captain, a bell-ringer 18yrs+, a bell-ringer working with children.
If this poster is not yet on display in your tower, please print a copy and
put it up on your next visit.
Thank you.
I encourage all bell-ringers who have completed a Safeguarding Training course to login and view their profile on where you can source your current safeguarding training certificate status and access courses as and when required. All the information you require is there for you.
On completion of a training course, remember to forward your ‘Congratulations on completing a safeguarding training course’ email to the Parish Safeguarding Officer [PSO] of where you are currently a band member or if unattached, a tower where you ring on a regular basis. Through this, you will have made a direct link to the PSO and they will then be in a position to keep in touch with you.
Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility. The welfare of a child, young person or an adult at risk is at all times paramount and takes precedence over all other considerations.
What to do if you have a Safeguarding Concern has been revised [December 2022] in the light of the latest guidance from the Diocese and CCCBR. It provides you with the necessary information and links if you have a concern relating to a member of the church community, a fellow ringer or a member of the public. It includes a QR code and URLs and details of where to find the contact details for your PSO [Parish Safeguarding Officer] in church.
If this poster is not yet on display in your tower, please print a copy and
put it up on your next visit.
Thank you.
Both the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers [CCCBR] and the Diocese of St. Edmundsbury & Ipswich websites have a wealth of information, guidance and forms which you may find useful.
We do have some young people actively involved in Bell Handling Sessions and tower practice nights across Suffolk.
Some guidance for the organising and running of ringing sessions including young ringers can be found in the following documents:
Please feel free to get in touch if the information on this page raises additional questions rather than just providing you with an answer.
Elizabeth Christian
February 2023